Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Fourth Topcoat Application

January 10, 2015

Picking up where I had left off with the application of the third topcoat, I began by sanding the hull with 320-grit paper by hand.  After vacuuming the hull to remove most of the sanding dust, I came back with solvent to wipe the hull in order to remove the remaining residues from the sanding.  I also chose to utilize a tack cloth to further my effort to ride the surfaces of all particles that could spell disaster for the curing topcoat.  Over the coarse of the topcoat applications I had been adjusting the amount of reducer and now felt that I had reached an acceptable ratio.  I planned this fourth coat to be the final topcoat.

After mixing the topcoat base and converter, I added the reducer - thinning the base and converter volume by about 45% (higher than what the Alexseal technical data sheet called for).  As I awaited the required ~15 minute induction period, I applied the tack cloth one final time and then donned my respirator and fresh gloves.  

I made my way around the hull, starting at the starboard bow and finishing at the port stern.  After cleaning up and letting things cure for a bit, I made my way over to the hull for an opportunity to see how the paint was laying down and if imperfections surfaced.  Yep, there they were!  Dust particles had found there way onto the glossy, mirror-like finish; pulled into the paint as if on a string.  What I chose to ignore, hoping for the best, was that the wind was up on this painting day, resulting in the barrage of dust particles.  Plans were already being framed in my mind to prevent this for the next, and final, topcoat application.

Total Time: 1 Hour

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